MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers

In this article, I am going to tell you how to download & install MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers on your PC. The process of downloading and install the MediaTek VCOM drivers is very simple, just download MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers from the link and follow me to install the drivers manually on your computer.

MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers Installation Guide:

Follow me in the below simple step to know how to install MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers.
  1. Download MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers from the link.
  2. Extract drivers after downloading using any extracting software such as WinRAR.
  3. Now you need to go to Devices Manager of your Windows PC. To access to the device manager of your PC, simply “Right Click” on “My Computer” and click “Manage” from the menu.
  4. In Device Manager Click on the “Action” button at the top and then select the “Add Legacy Hardware” option from the dropdown menu.
  5. A popup window will appear. Click “Next” to continue setup.
  6. When you click on the “Next” button there are two options appear there (I) Search for and install the hardware automatically (Recommended) and the 2nd one is (II) Install the hardware that i manually select from a list (Advanced).
  7. Select option (II) Install the hardware that i manually select from a list (Advanced) from the list and click “Next”.
  8. The next window showing the list of hardware ignore them and click “Next”.
  9. Now locate the file location where you have downloaded MediaTek MT65xx VCOM Drivers and click “Next”.
  10. Done you have successfully installed MediaTek MT65 USB VCOM Drivers on your computer.

Download MediaTek MT65xx USB VCOM Drivers:

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